Monday, April 20, 2009

How can I teach my special needs child to tie his shoes?


My 9 year old son is so ashamed that he can not tie his shoes like his friends, it breaks my heart! He was born with 3 webbed shorter that we had sperated but because the length can not be corrected he can not tie his shoes. Any suggestions would be greatly welcomed.

How can I teach my special needs child to tie his shoes?
1) Bunny Ears

Probably the most common method for teaching kids to tie their own shoes is the %26quot;Bunny Ears%26quot; method.

Tell the child that he needs to make his shoe laces into %26quot;bunny ears.%26quot;First, he needs to secure a knot for the bunny%26#039;s head. Take the laces and cross them over to make an %26quot;X%26quot;. Then, pull one ear through the bottom of the %26quot;X%26quot; and pull tight.

Say, %26quot;Now we need to give bunny some ears.%26quot; Loop the laces into %26quot;bunny ears%26quot;.

Tell the child that now we need to %26quot;make the bunny ears tight so they don%26#039;t fall off%26quot;. Then make another %26quot;X%26quot; using the %26quot;bunny ears%26quot;, slide one %26quot;ear%26quot; under the %26quot;X%26quot; and pull tightly.

2) Bi-Colored Laces

This is a great tip that can really make learning to tie much easier. Take two laces in two different colors and cut them down the middle. Then sew them together to make two bi-colored laces. Lace a pair of old shoes with these funny shoes strings. Using bi-colored laces can really help a kid who has trouble remembering his right from his left. You can use any learning-to-tie method in combination with your bi-colored laces.

3) Cardboard Cut-Out Shoe

Take a cardboard box and cut out an over-sized shoe shape. Have your kid decorate the shoe in any way he wishes. Using a pen, poke holes for laces. Use the bi-colored lace tip above, but instead of cutting the original laces in two, use two entire laces sewn together to create one long, bi-colored shoe string. Lace the shoe and use any teaching method, using this cut-out. Some kids find it easier and more interesting to practice on an over-sized model.

4) The Squirrel and the Tree

This is a fun method that utilizes a kid friendly story and movements that help kids understand and remember the basic steps to shoe tying.

Tell the child to create %26quot;tree roots%26quot; by making a starter knot.

Make a tree with a long thin loop; hold the loop in the child%26#039;s right hand.

With his left hand, take hold of the lace and tell him that a squirrel runs around the tree and jumps into the hole under the tree and comes out the other side (he%26#039;ll need to switch hands at this point which can be difficult for some kids).

Many parents prefer this trick because it teaches the kid to tie shoes with the single loop method.

5) Loop It and Swoop It

This is a less childish, but still memorable way of teaching a child to tie in the traditional single loop method. Teach your child to tie his shoes using the standard tying method, but as you go through the motions say, %26quot;loop it, swoop it, pull.%26quot; Do this over and over while repeating the same three, simple instructions until your child is able to tie his shoes on his own. Encourage him to say %26quot;loop it, swoop it, pull%26quot; each time he attempts tying his shoes until it becomes second nature.

6) Learning to Tie Toys and Books

If you want to make learning to tie more fun, consider getting your child a toy or book that will help him learn to tie on his own. This is especially helpful for kids who learn best through interaction with toys. Some suggestions:

Franklin Dress-Up Doll

Melissa %26amp; Doug Wood Lacing Sneaker
Reply:Use a backward chaining method...

This is the best method for shoe tying. Backward chaining is a behavioral procedure which goes like this. In general, the last step is done first and the student works backwards in the chain once he masters each step.

1. Pull bows tightly together to tie shoe

2. Make 2nd bow

3. Make 1st bow

4. Pull laces tight

5. Cross laces over

6. Hold each lace in each hand.

Basically, you would have student do the last step first (1 above). You do everything else and when you get to the last step, have him pull bows tightly together to tie shoe. Do this until he has mastered this step. Then require him to do step 2 AND 1(above). He would have to make the second bow and pull both bows tight. Once he masters step 2 and 1, have him complete steps 3,2,and 1. Do this until he is required to complete all steps independently.

You can even reinforce him after each step he completes successfully. For example,

Student completes step 1 (above) - provide reinforcer.

Student completes step 2 and 1 - provide reinforcer.


You should only move to the next step when the prior steps have been mastered. AND, he should always be required to complete the subsequent mastered step in the chain.

When he masters step 1- he then needs to complete steps 2 and 1 until mastery criteria is reached. Then, he needs to complete steps 3-2-1 until those steps have reached mastery criteria. and so on...

This method works well because the student reaches is reinforced with completing the task every time. He can complete the task independently, but then you just work on getting him there...
Reply:Practicing is all you can do. In the meantime, maybe he would prefer to wear shoes with velcro - that way he%26#039;ll never be stuck having to ask for help if his shoes came untied.
Reply:If you havent yet I woul ask for soem help from the school with an OT. Are there any other self help skills that has issues with such as buttons, snaps, lacing, zipping?
Reply:Tell him about the %26quot;bunny%26quot; and how it goes in the hole. Make it look fun!

skin disease

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