This could be congestive heart failure. It could be a sign of trouble with the valves in the veins in your legs.
Your doctor will almost certainly put you on a diuretic (a medicine that will make you urinate), and may require you to take potassium pills with it, depending on which diuretic he chooses.
Until then, you can reduce the swelling with caffeine (which is a diuretic) and by keeping your feet elevated above your heart as much as possible. Doing hundreds of reps of extending and flexing your foot at the ankle will help too. So will walking.
Don%26#039;t mess around with this. You can die...or worse...from this.
Swelling feet. What can I do? Cannot wear most shoes. Am wearing special support hose, helping very little.?
You need to see your doc to find out why you are retaining fluid and get treated for it. See your doc ASAP and get this checked out as something is definately wrong.
Reply:Time to see your Doc as this could be a sign of renal (kidney) troubles. (Sooner rather than later).
Reply:Hello. Keep your feet elevated as much as possible. I was told to drink more water, as well. Also don%26#039;t wear tight clothing If at all possible, go to a doctor. If you can%26#039;t go to a doctor, go to the hospital emergency room. If not taken care of, eventually it could hurt your heart. I have had lots of trouble with that also. At the hospital, they actually drained all the extra fluid. It doesn%26#039;t hurt. They may give you a pill which will cause you to get rid of the extra fluid and you will be better in just a few hours. Good luck and I will pray for you. I pray now that God will bless you and guide you to go the right direction to get help for yourself. Sincerely,
Reply:Stop trying to get an internet diagnosis and go see a doctor! Don%26#039;t listen to these people. It could be any number of things!
Reply:first of should see a DR , get some blood work done and rule anything out...I had swollen feet last May...I did testing, bloodwork,checked for edima, lung x-rays to rule out water in lungs...everything was fine and normal ....until finally my DR mentioned that I had a severe allergy reaction to the medication I was pharmacy basically switched brands names to a lower generic brand....obvious cheaper to bill insurances....and has casued swelling...I was allergic to the lining of the fillers....that is my situation....I do not know your medical condition...but if your on any pills check to see you pharmacy did not switch brands to a cheaper brand....good luck
Reply:go see a doctor..quick..!!!
Reply:Keep your legs and feet up as much as you can, At night prop them up with pillows. I found the Crocs shoes for the summer work the best for me, that is when my feet seem to swell the most.
Reply:You need to go to your Doctor for advice. This is not normal. Get help soon.
Reply:Could be the side effect of certain medications, like blood pressure pills...some herbs like %26quot;uva ursi%26quot; can be helpful for flashing the excess liquid ...
Could be also heart or kidneys conditions, too....
The check out is needed, of course.
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